The SIGMAFax Fax-in Scoring Service combines the easy administration of tests using test booklets and paper answer forms, with rapid scoring and report generation. Answer sheets take 15-35 minutes to complete. Answer sheets are faxed to SIGMA, scored electronically, and a report is returned by fax. Results are available within 15 minutes.

Terms of Use

Each time that you use the Fax-in Scoring Service you signify that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the terms of SIGMA’s Fax-in Scoring Terms of Use Agreement, found below.

Terms of Use

SIGMAFax Tests

Personnel Assessment Form

The PAF is an efficient, accurate measure of cognitive ability designed to identify candidates who will learn quickly, make sound decisions, communicate effectively, and “think on their feet.” Literally thousands of studies provide evidence that cognitive ability is the single greatest predictor of success for most jobs. This compelling research supports cognitive ability as an essential screening tool for selection and placement in a wide variety of jobs. The PAF is a convenient and powerful assessment that is easy to administer and interpret.

SIGMA Survey for Police Officers

Police officers are often faced with difficult situations that require them to make sound decisions quickly. The SSPO is an objective, reliable assessment for screening job applicants for the position of police officer. The SSPO uses job relevant, face valid questions to identify candidates with the cognitive skills necessary to use sound judgment in police situations, show good comprehension of legal documents, and write credible incident reports.

SIGMA Survey for Security Officers

Security guards are often faced with difficult situations that require them to make sound decisions quickly. The SSSO is an objective, reliable assessment for screening job applicants for the position of security guard. The SSSO uses job relevant, face valid questions to identify candidates with the cognitive skills necessary to use sound judgment in security situations, show good comprehension of legal documents, and write credible incident reports.

SIGMAFax Resources